The Masons Arms, Teddington

CAMRA Richmond & Hounslow Pub of the Year

2015/16, 2016/17, 2018/19, 2019/20 & 2023/24

London Pub of the Year, runner-up 2017/18

The Masons Arms, Teddington - header
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I’ve been doing some serious thinking
a thought has just come into my head
if you dont have a drink when you’re living
you’ll have a hell of a job when you’re dead

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What's on at The Masons

  • Music Quiz

    Tuesday 18th February

    Music Quiz
  • Open Mic Night

    Tuesday 25th February

    Open Mic Night
  • Vinyl Night

    Tuesday 4th March

    Vinyl Night
  • Music Quiz Night

    Tuesday 11th March

    Music Quiz Night
  • Vinyl Night

    Tuesday 18th March

    Vinyl Night
  • Open Mic Nght

    Tuesday 25th March

    Open Mic Nght
  • Stay up-to-date

    Please enter your email address below if you'd like me to keep you up-to-date with all our latest events and guest ales.

    Don't miss...

    All forthcoming events...

    The Masons Arms

    Proprietor: Rae Williams

    41 Walpole Road
    TW11 8PJ

    Telephone: 020 8977 6521



    Wine, sweetened and flavoured and named after a Colonel Negus who lived during the reign of Queen Anne.

    From Drinks Dictionary
    by Norman and Sonia Allison

    Dortmunder Pils
    Summer Lightning
    Knight of the Garter
    Wealdway IPA
    London Black
    Easy Livin'